In SoCal Again

This week I'm on the road. (Does that really surprise anyone who has been reading the newsletter for a while?) This week I'm down in Huntington Beach, California, visiting with some good friends. I'm hoping that this week will provide at least a few opportunities for relaxation and rejuvenation. We shall see, though.

I hope that wherever you are and whatever you are doing that you are able to take the time to stop and smell the roses, as the old saying goes.


ExcelTips (ribbon) for 20 July 2024

Making the Default Image Resolution Persistent

You can specify how much image compression Excel uses on images added to your workbooks. Getting Excel to remember the setting you prefer seems, however, to be an elusive goal.

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(Thanks to Herman Broeckx, Ryszard Raciborski, Henry Smeesters, Ira Bernstein, Ron Solecki, and Charlie O'Neill for contributing to this tip.)

Finding the Address of the Lowest Value in a Range

Uncovering the lowest value in a range is relatively easy; you can just use the MIN worksheet function. Discovering the address of the cell containing that value is a different story. This tip examines a couple of macro-based solutions as well as a worksheet formula that can return the desired information.

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Serious about Sorting?

Organize your data in the order that makes sense to you. Excel's sorting tools make it easy to get at the data you need. Get a firm grip on sorting today and your data management tasks will be easier than ever!

Copying the Results of Filtering

Filtering is a great asset when you need to get a handle on a subset of your data. Excel even makes it easy to copy the filtered data to another location, as described here.

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Merging Many Workbooks

If you need to combine the contents of a bunch of workbooks into a single workbook, the process can get tedious. Here's a handy macro that will quickly do the workbook amalgamation easily.

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Help Wanted

This section is for those having problems making Excel behave. If Excel is giving you fits, feel free to submit your own Help Wanted question.

If you have a solution for the problems below, click the link after the problem to send us your answer. (All responses become the sole property of Sharon Parq Associates, Inc., and can be used in any way deemed appropriate.) If your response is used in a future issue, you will be credited for your contribution to the answer.

Conditional Formatting Not Reliably Working

I create and distribute several large reports every week, averaging 100 rows and 66 columns. I use Conditional Formatting to highlight information in about a dozen columns. Every week I must check all the cells to which Conditional Formatting is applied because some of the cells don't format when the data require they should. This doesn't affect all the cells, and it's not the same cells every week. Hence, I must check all of them. This is very time consuming, of course. What must I do to make sure that Conditional Formatting behaves as it should?
—David Manns (provide an answer for this Help Wanted question)

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