An outline is a version of your worksheet data that is useful for viewing the main "levels" of your data and further developing them. You can collapse and expand the levels of your sheet to display a condensed version of your data depending on your viewing needs. Use the following articles to learn how to navigate and format your worksheet as an outline.
Tips, Tricks, and Answers
The following articles are available for the 'Outlining' topic. Click the article''s title (shown in bold) to see the associated article.
Hiding Outline Symbols
Outline symbols are automatically displayed by Excel when you add subtotals or organize your data using an outline. If you don't want those symbols to appear, you can configure Excel as described in this tip.
Understanding Outlining
Outlining, a feature built into Excel, can be a great way to help organize large amounts of data. This tip provides an overview to the feature, focusing on different ways you can create your outline.