Excel allows you to display the formulas in a worksheet simply by making sure the Formulas check box is selected on the View tab of the Options dialog box. This can be a handy way to print a worksheet that shows the formulas used to create the worksheet.
However, this approach only works well if the formulas used in the worksheet are rather short. If the formulas are longer, then understanding a worksheet with formulas displayed can quickly become a bothersome chore.
One solution is to pull the formulas from Excel and place them in a program such as Word. Why Word? Because you can easily format text attributes (such as typeface and point size) to best display your formulas. You can also add additional text to explain the formulas, if desired.
The simplest way to get formulas from Excel into Word is to follow these steps:
Figure 1. The Advanced options of the Excel Options dialog box.
At this point your formulas are in Word, and you can do with them as you see fit. While this approach works well, it can become bothersome to do this over and over again if you have a large number of formulas to copy. If you are in such a situation, you would benefit from having a macro that actually pulled the formulas and placed them in a Word document for you. The following Excel macro will do just that:
Sub WriteFormulasToWord() Dim Wrd As New Word.Application Dim CellTxt As String Dim CellAddr As String Dim SRow As Long Dim SCol As Long Wrd.Visible = True Wrd.Documents.Add Wrd.Selection.TypeText Text:="List of the Formulas of Sheet """ _ & ActiveSheet.Name & """ in Workbook """ _ & ActiveWorkbook.Name & """." Wrd.Selection.TypeText Text:=vbCrLf & vbCrLf 'Change the following line to pick the number of columns For SCol = 1 To 5 'Change the following line to pick the number of rows For SRow = 1 To 10 If Cells(SRow, SCol).HasFormula Then CellAddr = Chr(64 + SCol) & Trim(Str(SRow)) & vbTab CellTxt = ActiveSheet.Cells(SRow, SCol).Formula Wrd.Selection.TypeText Text:=CellAddr & CellTxt Wrd.Selection.TypeText Text:=vbCrLf End If Next SRow Wrd.Selection.TypeText Text:=vbCrLf Next SCol End Sub
There are a couple of things to note in this macro. First of all, you can change the range of rows and columns over which the macro works by changing the noted For statements that use both SCol and SRow. In the example shown above, the macro pulls formulas from columns 1 through 5 (A through E) and rows 1 through 10.
In addition, this macro will not work properly unless you set up Excel macros to handle references to Word objects. You do that by following these steps within the VBA Editor:
Figure 2. The References dialog box.
An advantage to using a macro to actually pull your formulas is that you can customize exactly what is placed in the Word document. In the case of this macro, the address of the cell is inserted, followed by a tab character, and then the actual formula. You could just as easily change the information inserted to be anything you need in your particular instance.
ExcelTips is your source for cost-effective Microsoft Excel training. This tip (6233) applies to Microsoft Excel 2007 and 2010. You can find a version of this tip for the older menu interface of Excel here: Pulling Formulas from a Worksheet.
Create Custom Apps with VBA! Discover how to extend the capabilities of Office 2013 (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and Access) with VBA programming, using it for writing macros, automating Office applications, and creating custom applications. Check out Mastering VBA for Office 2013 today!
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2022-12-20 14:38:45
J. Woolley
The ListFormulas function described in my previous comment has been updated as follows:
When SkipConstants is TRUE only formulas that begin with = will be returned.
2022-12-19 12:10:00
J. Woolley
My Excel Toolbox includes the following dynamic array function to return all non-blank formulas with optional values from a Target range of cells:
Target might represent cells on a different worksheet, for example. Expect 2 columns (Cell, Formula) or 3 columns (Cell, Formula, Value) and N rows (plus header).
My Excel Toolbox's SpillArray function simulates a dynamic array in older versions of Excel:
That function is described in UseSpillArray.pdf.
See https://sites.google.com/view/MyExcelToolbox
2013-04-03 00:26:17
I highlight the formula in FORMULA BAR
hit ESC key(this is important)
go to any location even within excel same sheet or some some other location,
2013-04-02 19:22:24
Bob Davey
One can simply insert a space before an individual formula then copy and past the cell contents to wherever. Don't forget to return to the cell and delete the space.
Michael's approach looks nice but is incomplete and impractical. For example it adds comments to cells that do not actually contains formulae. Additionally a worksheet containing zillions of lengthy formula is going to cause a lot of clutter when creating the comments and demand a lot of formatting if a printout is required. Testing Michaal's macros proved this to be the case when I managed to actually make the thing work. It also does not like large selections. This code needs a lot of work before it can be considered practical. Also needed here is a simple macro to remove the commments....
Sunil's comment is fine but one cannot copy the relative formula. In any case the content of the cell is already visible in the Formula Bar.
The original Word idea works well where one wishes to print the results in a readily formatted style.
However at the end of the day one presumes that this type of facility would be needed for illustration or investigation purposes. What would be more practical is a macro that merely extracts unique formulae only, adds the relative cell reference so that it can be located and plonks the results into a table in a new worksheet. The table could then be formatted, printed or exported as necessary.
2013-04-02 11:20:18
Michael (micky) Avidan
To my opinion - showing Formulas results and/or copying them to "Word" does not achieve its purpose.
A better way is used by me, for the last 10 years – with which I have tutored lot of students.
It involves 2 Macros to be placed within the PERSONAL Workbook and associated to 2 Icons in the "Quick Access Toolbar" (or to one of the bars in "2003" and older versions).
After the user selects one cell or range of cells – he executes the Add_Comments_With_Cell_Formulas Macro.
Although it is obvious – those comments can be, easily, printed while printing the Sheet.
Sub Add_Comments_With_Cell_Formulas()
On Error Resume Next
For Each comt In Selection.Cells
If Not IsEmpty(comt) Then
comt.Comment.Text Text:=comt.Formula
End If
Application.DisplayCommentIndicator = xlCommentAndIndicator
End Sub
Sub Format_Comments()
For Each cmt In ActiveSheet.Comments
With cmt.Shape.TextFrame
.AutoSize = True
.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
.VerticalAlignment = xlCenter
End With
With cmt.Shape.TextFrame.Characters.Font
.Name = "Arial"
.Size = 10
.Bold = True
End With
Set rngComments = ActiveSheet.Range("a:iv").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeComments)
ActiveWindow.Zoom = 100
For Each rngTemp In rngComments
rngTemp.Comment.Shape.Fill.BackColor.RGB = RGB(204, 255, 255)
rngTemp.Comment.Shape.Fill.OneColorGradient msoGradientHorizontal, 4, 0.36
rngTemp.Comment.Shape.Shadow.Visible = msoTrue
rngTemp.Comment.Shape.Fill.BackColor.SchemeColor = 41
End Sub
Michael Avidan
“Microsoft®” MVP – Excel
2013-04-02 06:44:55
Sunil Gupta
Instead of doing this much thing you can just press "ctrl+`" button only and you can view the formulas.
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