Written by Allen Wyatt (last updated October 20, 2021)
This tip applies to Excel 2007, 2010, 2013, and 2016
Karan has a lot of textual data in a workbook. Some of that textual data contains dates. She needs a way to remove any dates, but leave any other text that may be in a cell. For instance, what starts as "4/15/16 test ran successfully" or "test ran on 4/15/16" would be, after deletion, " test ran successfully" and "test ran on ".
If your dates always follow a simple pattern you could use the SUBSTITUTE function to remove them. For instance, if the date always consists of a single-digit month and a two-digit day, you could use the following to remove it:
There are multiple problems with such a formula. First, it returns an error value if there is no date in cell A1 or if the date in cell A1 only has a single-digit day. Further, if the date has a two-digit month, it leaves that first digit intact (provided the date uses a two-digit day) or returns an error value (if the date uses a single-digit day).
If your date appears at the beginning or end of the text in a cell, you could use a different type of formula:
=IFERROR( IF( VALUE( LEFT( A1, 1)) > 0, RIGHT( A1, LEN(A1) - 7), ""), LEFT( A1, FIND( "/", A1) - 2))
The problem with this approach is that it also requires exact pattern M/DD/YY or MM/D/YY. It thus exhibits the same problems as the previous formula.
A more versatile approach is to use a macro to search for a date and then remove it from the string. The following example macro looks at a cell's conents and breaks it into "words" using the Split function. It then starts putting the words back together, as long as the word is not a date.
Function RemoveDates(ByVal vC As String) Dim arr As Variant Dim s As String Dim i As Integer RemoveDates = "" If vC > "" Then arr = Split(vC, " ") For i = LBound(arr) To UBound(arr) If Not IsDate(arr(i)) Then s = s & arr(i) & " " End If Next i RemoveDates = Left(s, Len(s) - 1) End If End Function
You use the macro as a user-defined function in your worksheet, as follows:
The only drawback to this macro is that if you have multiple spaces between words, those spaces are removed in the replacement process. If this is a big deal to you, you might consider relying upon a regular expression in your macro, like this:
Function RemoveDates(MyRange As Range) As String Dim sRaw As String Dim sPattern As String Dim regEx As New RegExp sRaw = MyRange.Value sPattern = "[0-9]{1,2}[-.\\/][0-9]{1,2}[-.\\/][0-9]{2}" With regEx .Global = True .MultiLine = True .IgnoreCase = False .pattern = sPattern End With If regEx.Test(sRaw) Then RemoveDates = regEx.Replace(sRaw, "") Else RemoveDates = "Not matched" End If Set regEx = Nothing End Function
This function is used in your worksheet in the same way as the earlier user-defined function:
The use of regular expressions may seem like a black art to some, but this particular usage is rather straightforward. The pattern (stored in the sPattern variable) says that one or two digits followed by a divider character (dash, period, backslash, or forward slash) followed by one or two more digits followed by another divider character followed by two digits is considered a date. If such a match is found in the cell, it is removed.
In order to use the regular espressions approach, you'll need to make sure that you include a referent to the following library in the Visual Basic Editor (choose References from the Tools menu):
Microsoft VBScript Regular Expressions 5.5
You should note, as well, that the function returns "Not matched" if a date was not located in the cell you reference.
ExcelTips is your source for cost-effective Microsoft Excel training. This tip (7768) applies to Microsoft Excel 2007, 2010, 2013, and 2016.
Comprehensive VBA Guide Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) is the language used for writing macros in all Office programs. This complete guide shows both professionals and novices how to master VBA in order to customize the entire Office suite for their needs. Check out Mastering VBA for Office 2010 today!
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2021-08-09 11:14:29
Willy Vanhaelen
Here is a tiny version of the first function that does the job as well:
Function RemoveDates(ByVal vC As String)
Dim arr As Variant
For Each arr In Split(vC)
If Not IsDate(arr) Then RemoveDates = RemoveDates & arr & " "
Next arr
RemoveDates = Trim(RemoveDates)
End Function
2017-06-20 10:17:27
Dennis Costello
The RE solution is indeed very interesting and this was a good opportunity for Allen to discuss it, but unfortunately it would remove strings that are vaguely similar to dates, but really aren't - and miss some that are. For instance, "98/56/34" and "15-1/2" would be removed, but "1/2/2017" would not, nor would "15-Apr-2016", "April 16, 2016", or any of all sorts of other strings that validly represent dates. The Split and IsDate approach avoids these problems (well, not the last example, which has spaces in the middle of the date and would therefore span multiple words). If the stripping out of extra blanks is a problem, I suggest that instead of building the value back up word by word, you use the Find function to give the starting position of the date string within the cell, Len for its length, and Mid to strip it out. This does leave one more problem, however - punctuation. Imagine the cell contains "The test started on 1/4/16, but did not succeed" - or, even worse, "The test started on 1/4/16,but did not succeed". In these cases, the words being matched are "1/4/16," or "1/4/16,but" - and neither of these would be picked up by IsData. So for these general cases you need a more sophisticated parser than simply splitting into words by a space.Bottom line - this is a hard and interesting problem.
2017-06-20 10:15:41
Dennis Costello
The RE solution is indeed very interesting and this was a good opportunity for Allen to discuss it, but unfortunately it would remove strings that are vaguely similar to dates, but really aren't - and miss some that are. For instance, "98/56/34" and "15-1/2" would be removed, but "1/2/2017" would not, nor would "15-Apr-2016", "April 16, 2016", or any of all sorts of other strings that validly represent dates. The Split and IsDate approach avoids these problems (well, not the last example, which has spaces in the middle of the date and would therefore span multiple words). If the stripping out of extra blanks is a problem, I suggest that instead of building the value back up word by word, you use the Find function to give the starting position of the date string within the cell, Len for its length, and Mid to strip it out.
This does leave one more problem, however - punctuation. Imagine the cell contains "The test started on 1/4/16, but did not succeed" - or, even worse, "The test started on 1/4/16,but did not succeed". In these cases, the words being matched are "1/4/16," or "1/4/16,but" - and neither of these would be picked up by IsData. So for these general cases you need a more sophisticated parser than simply splitting into words by a space.
Bottom line - this is a hard and interesting problem.
2016-06-19 15:27:38
Yvan Loranger
not a macro but 2 functions:
Assumes dates are surrounded by blanks [unless date is at start or end of text string] & text is in column A;hence following occupy colums B & C
=MID(A1,IF(FIND("/",A1)>2,IF(MID(A1,FIND("/",A1)-2,1)=" ",FIND("/",A1)-1,FIND("/",A1)-2),1),26)
=IF(MID(B1,LEN(B1)-2,1)="/",B1,LEFT(B1,FIND(" ",B1)-1))
2016-06-13 09:18:02
Mohit Gupta
I want a macro which finds the date in a particular text string and extracts it in a new cell.Can anyone help me.
2016-06-12 12:02:23
Yvan Loranger
A bit late but may be useful?
This handles single/double-digit days & months but dates must occur start/end of text string. Pls enter on 1 line.
RIGHT(A4,LEN(A4)-FIND(" ",A4)+1),
LEFT(A4,FIND("/",A4) -
IF(mid(a4,FIND("/",A4)-2,1)=" ",
2016-06-11 09:32:15
Brian Lair
I had no idea that Excel was able to process regular expressions, so this was a great tip for me! Thanks!
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