Written by Allen Wyatt (last updated June 1, 2024)
This tip applies to Excel 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019, 2021, and Excel in Microsoft 365
Lucie has imported into a workbook data from her company's HR/payroll system that she needs to forward to a third-party vendor. Before she forwards it, however, she needs to compile a list of foreign-language characters contained in the employee names, such as umlauts and accents. She doesn't need to replace the characters; she just needs a list of them.
There are a couple of ways to do this. First, if you are using Excel 2021 or the version with Microsoft 365, you can put together a powerful formula that will pull the desired characters:
=LET(wl,A:A,cwl,TEXTJOIN(,TRUE,wl),cl,MID(cwl,SEQUENCE(LEN(cwl)),1), SORT(UNIQUE(FILTER(cl,CODE(cl)>127))))
Even though the formula is shown here in two lines, it is a single formula. It assumes that all of the employee names are in column A. You can place this formula in a cell in a different column, and as long as there is nothing in the cells below the formula, you'll have a sorted list of characters returned.
The formula works by concatenating all the names in column A into a single string (assigned to the variable cwl) and then examining each character in the string. If the character has a code value of 128 or greater, then it is considered a foreign character. (Those with codes below 128 are assumed to be non-foreign characters.)
The formula returns only unique characters, and those are sorted. Because the formula concatenates all the names (using the TEXTJOIN function), there is a limit on what it can process. If the combined length of all the characters is 32,767 or more, then a #CALC error is returned.
If you are not using the latest versions of Excel or you might have more than 32,767 characters you are examining, then you should consider using a macro. Here's an example of one that will go through all of the cells in a range and return the foreign-language characters:
Function ForeignChars(ByVal MyRange As Range) As String 'All characters from 0 to 127 are considered non-foreign 'All characters above 127 are considered foreign Dim c As Range Dim sTemp As String Dim sChars As String Dim J As Integer Dim K As Integer Dim bFound As Boolean Application.Volatile sChars = "" For Each c In MyRange sTemp = c.Text For J = 1 To Len(sTemp) If AscW(Mid(sTemp, J, 1)) > 127 Then bFound = False For K = 1 To Len(sChars) If Mid(sChars, K, 1) = Mid(sTemp, J, 1) Then bFound = True Next K If Not bFound Then sChars = sChars & Mid(sTemp, J, 1) End If End If Next J Next c ForeignChars = sChars End Function
In order to use the function, you could use this in your worksheet:
This checks the contents of the range designated (A1:A2500). The foreign-language characters are returned as a single string by the function. You'll also find that the macro returns a wider range of foreign characters than the earlier formula because the CODE worksheet function (used in the formula) evaluates text a bit differently than the AscW VBA function (used in the macro).
ExcelTips is your source for cost-effective Microsoft Excel training. This tip (767) applies to Microsoft Excel 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019, 2021, and Excel in Microsoft 365.
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2024-06-06 15:30:56
J. Woolley
As noted in my first comment below, Excel 2021's UNIQUE function is not case-sensitive. An equivalent using REDUCE, LAMBDA, and VSTACK is case-sensitive, but those functions currently require Excel 365.
My Excel Toolbox now includes the following function to return unique rows or columns from a cell range (contiguous) or array constant or result of an array function:
=UniquePlus(RangeArray, [LeftRight], [ExactlyOnce], [HasHeader],
The first three parameters match Excel's UNIQUE function.
When HasHeader is TRUE, the first row (LeftRight=FALSE) or first column (LeftRight=TRUE) is returned even if it is not unique.
Case-sensitive comparisons are done when CaseSensitive is TRUE.
This function does not require Excel 2021 or newer.
See https://sites.google.com/view/MyExcelToolbox
2024-06-02 16:48:50
J. Woolley
The Tip's ForeignChars function returns an unsorted string of characters; for example
The result will be case-sensitive as illustrated in that example if the function is in a module with the default
Option Compare Binary
But if the module begins with
Option Compare Text
the result will not be case-sensitive and the previous example would simply return
The following version returns a sorted case-sensitive comma-separated result for that example like this
Ä, É, Ë, ä, é, ë
regardless of Option Compare:
Function ForeignChars2(ByVal Target As Range) As String
'ASCII is 0 to 127; non-ASCII is "foreign"
Dim Chars As New Collection, char As String
Dim cell As Range, n As Integer, k As Integer
Const COMP As Integer = vbBinaryCompare 'case-sensitive
If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then
Set Target = Application.Intersect(Target.Parent.UsedRange, Target)
End If
For Each cell In Target
If WorksheetFunction.IsText(cell) Then
For n = 1 To Len(cell)
char = Mid(cell, n, 1)
If AscW(char) > 127 Then 'non-ASCII
If Chars.Count = 0 Then
Chars.Add char 'add first
ElseIf StrComp(char, Chars(Chars.Count), COMP) > 0 Then
Chars.Add char 'add char > Chars(Chars.Count)
For k = 1 To Chars.Count
Select Case StrComp(char, Chars(k), COMP)
Case 0 'already added char = Chars(k)
Exit For
Case Is < 0 'add char < Chars(k)
Chars.Add char, , k 'before Chars(k)
Exit For
End Select
Next k
End If
End If
Next n
End If
Next cell
If Chars.Count = 0 Then ForeignChars2 = "none": Exit Function
ForeignChars2 = Chars(1)
For k = 2 To Chars.Count
ForeignChars2 = ForeignChars2 & ", " & Chars(k)
Next k
End Function
2024-06-01 18:47:19
J. Woolley
The Tip's first formula is very clever:
=LET(wl, A:A, cwl, TEXTJOIN(, TRUE, wl), cl, MID(cwl, SEQUENCE(LEN(cwl)) ,1), SORT(UNIQUE(FILTER( cl, CODE(cl)>127))))
Here are some nit-picking comments:
1. TEXTJOIN(, TRUE, wl) could be replaced by CONCAT(wl) or CONCAT(A:A) for the same result. Using the latter means the wl parameter is unnecessary:
=LET(cwl, CONCAT(A:A), cl, MID(cwl, SEQUENCE(LEN(cwl)), 1), SORT(UNIQUE(FILTER( cl, CODE(cl)>127))))
2. The Tip's formula returns a vertical array with N rows and 1 column, where N is the number of unique "foreign-language" (non-ASCII) characters. Lucie might prefer a comma separated list in a single cell:
=LET(cwl, CONCAT(A:A), cl, MID(cwl, SEQUENCE(LEN(cwl)) ,1), TEXTJOIN(", ", TRUE, SORT(UNIQUE(FILTER(cl, CODE(cl)>127)))))
3. Unless specifically stated, most Excel functions are not case-sensitive when applied to text. Neither is the UNIQUE function; therefore,
UNIQUE({"a";"A";"B";"b"}) returns {"a";"B"}
a mixed-case array. Lucie might prefer all lower-case characters for uniform appearance:
=LET(cwl, CONCAT(A:A), cl, MID(cwl, SEQUENCE(LEN(cwl)) ,1), TEXTJOIN(", ", TRUE, SORT(UNIQUE(LOWER(FILTER(cl, CODE(cl)>127))))))
4. Here is the same formula with the UNIQUE(...) part isolated for further discussion:
=LET(cwl, CONCAT(A:A), cl, MID(cwl, SEQUENCE(LEN(cwl)),1), uniq, UNIQUE(LOWER(FILTER(cl, CODE(cl)>127))), TEXTJOIN(", ", TRUE, SORT(uniq)))
5. Lucie might want to list both upper-case and lower-case characters if both appear in the names. The following article describes a case-sensitive equivalent of Excel's UNIQUE function:
This version of the previous formula includes each unique case-sensitive "foreign-language" character:
=LET(cwl, CONCAT(A:A), cl, MID(cwl, SEQUENCE(LEN(cwl)), 1), uniq, REDUCE(, FILTER(cl, CODE(cl)>127), LAMBDA(a, v, IF(SUM(--EXACT(a, v)), a, VSTACK(a, v)))), TEXTJOIN(", ", TRUE, SORT(uniq)))
6. Like UNIQUE, the SORT function is not case-sensitive. But the SortPlus function in My Excel Toolbox has a case-sensitive option:
=LET(cwl, CONCAT(A:A), cl, MID(cwl, SEQUENCE(LEN(cwl)), 1), uniq, REDUCE(, FILTER(cl, CODE(cl)>127), LAMBDA(a, v, IF(SUM(--EXACT(a, v)), a, VSTACK(a, v)))), TEXTJOIN(", ", TRUE, SortPlus(uniq, , , , , TRUE)))
7. SortPlus also has an option for ANSI/ASCII/Unicode order instead of Excel order; that option sorts upper-case before lower-case:
=LET(cwl, CONCAT(A:A), cl, MID(cwl, SEQUENCE(LEN(cwl)), 1), uniq, REDUCE(, FILTER(cl, CODE(cl)>127), LAMBDA(a, v, IF(SUM(--EXACT(a, v)), a, VSTACK(a, v)))), TEXTJOIN(", ", TRUE, SortPlus(uniq, , , , , TRUE, TRUE)))
Each of these formulas can be copy/pasted into a worksheet for testing.
For more on SortPlus, see https://excelribbon.tips.net/T012575
and https://sites.google.com/view/MyExcelToolbox
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