Written by Allen Wyatt (last updated December 11, 2023)
This tip applies to Excel 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019, and 2021
George often inserts hyperlinks into his worksheets. These hyperlinks are to files of various types that reside on his computer system. When he inserts the hyperlinks, the default hyperlink text that Excel inserts is the full path and file name for the file. George would like this hyperlink text, by default, to consist of only the file name, without the full path.
There is one very easy way to accomplish the desired outcome: Simply move the workbook into the same folder with the files to which you want hyperlinks. When you use the Insert Hyperlink dialog box, the filename—without the path—is then used for the link.
If that isn't feasible, then using the Insert Hyperlink dialog box does result in a full path ending up in both the Address field and Text to Display field of the Insert Hyperlink dialog box. There is no way to change this default behavior; you can only edit the default proposed by Excel. This means that you can, on an individual hyperlink basis, edit the Text to Display field in the Insert Hyperlink dialog box so that it shows just the file name, as desired.
Of course, this involves a lot of editing—hence the impetus for George's query. There are a couple of ways around this. The first is to not rely on the Insert Hyperlink dialog box. Instead, construct a formula that inserts the hyperlink using the HYPERLINK function. Let's say, for example, that you have, in cell C2, a path name to the folder containing your files:
Further, you could have a list of filenames in the range D2:D75, such as this:
MyWorkbook.xlsx MyDocument.docx MyPDF.pdf
You could place a formula such as this in cell E2:
=HYPERLINK($C$2 & D2,D2)
Copy the formula down into the range E3:E75, and you'll have your hyperlinks as you desire.
If you already have a bunch of inserted links in the spreadsheet (for example, in column A), you could use a bit larger formula to extract and display just the filename:
You could then hide the column containing the full-path hyperlinks, so you see only the shortened versions that you want.
If you have many hyperlinks that you want to affect, you can use a macro to remove the path from all the existing hyperlinks.
Sub FixHyperlinkDesc() Dim h As Hyperlink Dim sRaw As String Dim iPos As Integer For Each h In ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks sRaw = h.TextToDisplay iPos = Instr(1, sRaw, "\") While (iPos > 0) sRaw = Mid(sRaw, iPos + 1, Len(sRaw)) iPos = Instr(1, sRaw, "\") Wend If sRaw <> h.TextToDisplay Then h.TextToDisplay = sRaw End If Next h End Sub
The only thing the macro touches is the display text for each hyperlink, and it deletes everything before the final backslash. The macro won't affect anything that may appear as the result of a HYPERLINK function.
ExcelTips is your source for cost-effective Microsoft Excel training. This tip (13279) applies to Microsoft Excel 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019, and 2021.
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2023-12-11 08:09:30
Perhaps I'm missing the point here, but the Insert Hyperlink dialogue box has a "Text to display" box at the top. This can be any text string, so given that you must know what file you want to link to, why not just type it's name in the box? It can also be a formula for example =D2 & " " & D3 & " " & D4 and so (probably) most of the excel sheet functions.
2020-12-26 10:52:03
J. Woolley
Be aware: If you add the =HYPERLINK(...) formula to a cell that already has a standard Ctrl+K hyperlink, the original hyperlink remains precedent. The new HYPERLINK(...) formula replaces the text in the cell but does not override the original hyperlink. You can read about more issues re. the HYPERLINK function in this PDF: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vAXFMwX43N7b-6fEhdY5E0PZRmIQ9zlA/view
which is part of My Excel Toolbox. See https://sites.google.com/view/MyExcelToolbox/
2020-12-25 09:15:44
Willy Vanhaelen
Oops: there is a typo in my previous post.
Replace the empty string "" with "\":
2020-12-24 13:01:04
Willy Vanhaelen
The macro in tip can be simplified a lot. First of all the While Wend loop is obsolete and maintained only for backwards compatibility. It
is now recommended to use the Do ... Loop statement that provides a more structured and flexible way to perform a looping.
But most of all it isn't needed here at all. It searches for the last instance of the backslash but VBA provides a function that does simply that in a single operation: InStrRev.
Here is my more concise version:
Sub FixHyperlinkDesc()
Dim h As Hyperlink
For Each h In ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks
Next h
End Sub
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