Written by Allen Wyatt (last updated June 8, 2024)
This tip applies to Excel 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019, 2021, and Excel in Microsoft 365
Sometimes the data you collect in a worksheet fits very nicely into a single column. For instance, you may have a list of names, and they are all contained in column A of your worksheet. When you choose to print the worksheet, it can consume quite a few pages, all of them nearly blank as the left side of each page contains a name, and the right side contains white space.
In this type of instance, it would be nice to print the single column as if it were multiple columns. That way you could use more of each printed page and fewer overall pages for your print job. Unfortunately, Excel contains no intrinsic command or print setting that allows you to automatically reformat your data so it prints better. There are workarounds, however.
One workaround that is often overlooked is just copying the single-column list to a blank Word document. If you paste it there as plain text, you can format each page for multiple columns and actually print the information.
If you would rather not involve Word, you can cut and paste information from the first column into other columns to give the desired number of printing columns. This, of course, should be done in a new worksheet or workbook, so that the original data remains undisturbed. As an example, if you have 200 names in your original list, you can cut 40 names at a time from the list and paste them into columns A through E of a new worksheet. Printing this worksheet requires fewer pages than printing the original single-column worksheet.
Of course, if you have to do this cut-and-paste often, the chore can quickly become tiresome. In this instance, you can use a macro that does the exact same thing: It slices and dices the original list and pastes it into a number of columns on a new workbook.
Sub SingleToMultiColumn() Dim rng As Range Dim iCols As Integer Dim lRows As Long Dim iCol As Integer Dim lRow As Long Dim lRowSource As Long Dim x As Long Dim wks As Worksheet Set rng = Application.InputBox _ (prompt:="Select the range to convert", _ Type:=8) iCols = InputBox("How many columns do you want?") lRowSource = rng.Rows.Count lRows = lRowSource / iCols If lRows * iCols <> lRowSource Then lRows = lRows + 1 Set wks = Worksheets.Add lRow = 1 x = 1 For iCol = 1 To iCols Do While x <= lRows And lRow <= lRowSource Cells(x, iCol) = rng.Cells(lRow, 1) x = x + 1 lRow = lRow + 1 Loop x = 1 Next End Sub
When you run this macro, you are asked to select the range you want to convert, and then you are asked to specify the number of columns you want it to be reformatted as. It creates a new worksheet in the current workbook and copies information from the original into as many columns as you specified.
Finally, if you prefer to not use a macro, you could utilize a formula to come up with the rows and columns to print. Let's say, again, that you have 200 names in column a (in the range A1:A200) and you want to print them in five columns of 40 rows each. You can place this formula into cell B1:
Select the range B1:E40 (make sure that B1 is the active cell in that selected range), then press F2 and finally Ctrl+Enter. Excel fills the range with the formula. You can now select A1:E40 and print just that selection. (You don't want to print the entire worksheet because the original data is still in the original 200 rows. That's why you need to select the reformatted range and just print that selection.)
For additional resources to solve this problem, refer to the following Web sites:
https://www.ozgrid.com/VBA/MiscVBA.htm#Print http://dmcritchie.mvps.org/excel/snakecol.htm
ExcelTips is your source for cost-effective Microsoft Excel training. This tip (8239) applies to Microsoft Excel 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019, 2021, and Excel in Microsoft 365. You can find a version of this tip for the older menu interface of Excel here: Printing a Single Column in Multiple Columns.
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2024-06-14 08:53:57
David Allen
Isn't another way of doing it is just simply to change the page set up in Print to use multiple pages per sheet (e.g. 2x1)?
2024-06-08 15:26:31
J. Woolley
This dynamic array formula will split A1:A200 into 5 columns of 40 rows each:
=WRAPCOLS(A1:A200, 40)
The WRAPCOLS function currently requires Excel 365.
My Excel Toolbox includes the following dynamic array function:
=JoinCols(RangeArrayA, RangeArrayB)
This returns all columns of RangeArrayA joined side-by-side with those of RangeArrayB (RangeArrayA on the left). Both RangeArrayA and RangeArrayB must have the same number of rows.
Therefore, this formula will split A1:A200 into 5 columns of 40 rows each:
=JoinCols(A1:A40, JoinCols(A41:A80, JoinCols(A81:A120, JoinCols(A121:A160, A161:A200))))
See https://sites.google.com/view/MyExcelToolbox/
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